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From hosting webinars to workshops about how to deal with your differentiated learner, I can do it all.


I know your struggle and I understand your struggle. I provided one-on-one and group parent sessions to provide guidance, advice or just to listen. I feel your pain and I have been working with children who are exceptional for more than two decades.


I am seeking to effect change as soon as possible so our children can longer be alienated in a prejudicial system of comparisons and norm-referenced ideologies.


I believe every flower blooms in its own time and I am excited to prove this to the world through engaged, inquiry-led learning.


Current educators in the system who are feeling fatigued, unheard or just burning out, I got you!


I was an OCT and I realized that the system is already extremely top heavy. After running my supplementary franchises for 12 years, I realized there were so many gaps in the system.


If you ever wanted to chat with a peer who can listen and understand you, I can!


If you've ever wished to start your own learning environment, I can help you as well. Complete support from start up funding ideas to curriculum to implementation. I have mentored countless educators, and those who are passionate are always welcome to join my journey.


It all starts with one step- take that step NOW!



Whether you are a business billionaire or a start-up that wants to leave an impactful, lasting legacy on our future generation, I am available to collaborate!


I have wanted to shift the paradigm of education since I was old enough to understand that learning is not forced and certainly not comparable from one individual to another.


I have founded a unique system that integrates many learning philosophies, and I am looking to expand and partner with global partners to see the approach implemented and accessed by differentiated learners across the globe. This is why I started my foundation.


If you are interested, please contact me, and let's see how we can help each other out.

Get in Touch

500 Terry Francine St. 

San Francisco, CA 94158


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